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group classes

wHERE wILL monroeville music take you?

Continuous enrollment from September to May with a low monthly payment! You can join any class in progress with tuition prorated for the remaining classes in the month or purchase a single class at the trial cost before signing up for a whole month

You wouldn’t start a kid out with a private batting coach before they played on a baseball team, right?  Our group classes are the perfect place to start!

Developed with Suzuki-trained teachers Mark Marston (guitar) and Greg Zawacki (trumpet) and Megan Woods Held (voice, piano, early childhood) based on Dr. Edwin E. Gordon’s Music Learning Theory, our brand new group classes incorporate both a group element and solo instruction and begin with music immersion and “sound before sight” instruction to teach music as children learn language. 


Music Together® Babies

Birth-9 Months

At Music Together Mosaic Melodies we know that it’s never too early to begin a child’s musical education! That’s why we’re thrilled to offer Music Together’s Babies class.


Music Together® Mixed Ages

Birth-5 years

Music Together Mixed Ages classes are true family music classes, offering bonding, community, and learning opportunities for the whole crew, from the youngest infant to the greatest great-grandparent!


Rhythm Kids by Music Together®

Ages 4-8

Big kids know what they like:Telling silly stories, playing games, and being in charge!At this age children are wired to learn in new, more complex
ways, and Rhythm Kids is here to meet them at this new stage of musical development.


Ukes & Me family class

Ages 4-6

Children learn most effectively from and alongside the people they love the most: their care givers! Ukes & Me is a group class that allows families to make the most of this sensitive stage of learning by engaging child and adult as a pair.


Piano Play

Ages 4-8

We know that children are designed to leam through play, & that many young children still benefit from a play-based approach to musical education past their toddler years.


Vocal Voyage

Ages 6-8

Got a musical child who just loves to sing?
We know how important it is to foster their love of music in these developmental years between preschool music classes and formal lessons.

Let's Make Music Together!